Thursday, March 31, 2011

I need color help....

I should of became a plummer or done something with computers , not a designer. A designer is suppose to know what color (s) go with other color (s) . I don't have that gift. I think purple goes with anything ( maybe because i love purple) but blue and turquoise do not go together... in my opinion .

Does any know where I can get a list of colors that go well with other colors do I can post them with the descriptions for my jewelry. ( not the color wheel) I need one for all colors . 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Something yummy from Sugar Bee Crafts

I found this blog in my twitter feed....... 

These Truffles look so yummy.....

Sugar Bee Crafts 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I found some fun workouts

I think I love again.
I was looking through to find new shows to watch and I found these fun workouts...
you don't need an account to watch.. but I suggest you sign up ( free hulu not the hulu plus) so you can save the workouts. 

This one looks fun. Its a Bollywood Dance Workout. its sexy and upbeat and the music is nice to listen to. it  keeps your energy up. 
It looks so easy.
Bollywood Dance Workout  

The next one is Hip Hop Cardio.... again... it looks easy... if I think i can do it.. you can to. 
just have fun. nothing too major.
Hip Hop Cardio  

And the last one is  Brazilian Body 

They all expire on April 30th so get  dancing :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Okay.. I made them

I made stitch markers. A few people have told me I should make them.  Well I did. I dont knit or crochet so I am not sure if there are the right size. 

the above set is only $4

This set is just $3

Monday, March 21, 2011

My jewelry stach....

.... Is going bye bye. The kaboodle thing that I keep the jewelry I make in is so full! I cant even close it... so I was thinking about just taking most of the earrings apart, a few necklaces and bracelets. They are taking up space and a few pieces are over a yr old.  I have a lot of ideas for new pieces... I hope they don't stay in the box for long.  :) 
So if you want anything, check out my Facebook fan page .  Destruction will begin at the end of the month.... below are some items on the chopping block......

This bracelet is a size 7. made with shell and tiger's eye.

These earrings are 2.5 inches long... made with sterling silver ear hooks and chain.

This necklace is 20 inches. made with a metal butterfly and glass beads, black chain and silver heart toggle.

Friday, March 18, 2011

In Memory...

On March 16, 2011, My mom passed peacefully away. She lost her year long fight to GBM Brain Cancer. She was an amazing woman. She was my hero & my best friend. 

Diane Fortin Knepp -- 1952 - 2011
Rest In Paradise Mom <3 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Erin Go Bragh

Yup the day I dread is here again. This is the only day that I hate my name. In school the boys would say "Erin go bra- less"  " I'd say " enjoy detention "  

I really suck at being Irish. I HATE corn beef and cabbage. My mom (RIP) would make it every year ( she wasn't Irish - but my brother and I are) ... I'd skip dinner and run to the bathroom ready to hurl. 
and I don't like beer so no green beer for me today... oh darn.. :) 

The meaning of Erin Go Bragh is a sweet one. "Ireland Forever" 
It was an Irish blessing used to express allegiance to Ireland. It could also translate as "Ireland 'till doomsday," "Ireland until eternity," "Ireland until the end (of time)" or "Ireland until the Day of Judgment." 

Éire and Éirinn are both used as names for Ireland. 

 In the 2009 film The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day Norman Reedus's character Murphy MacManus phrases it as: "It's Irish for, 'you're fucked.'" 
A Scottish song from the 19th century entitled "Erin-go-Bragh" tells the story of a Highland Scot who is mistaken for an Irishman. The first two verses are:

My name's Duncan Campbell from the shire of Argyll
I've travelled this country for many's the mile
I've travelled through Ireland, Scotland and a'
And the name I go under's bold Erin-go-bragh
One night in Auld Reekie as I walked down the street
A saucy big polis I chanced for to meet
He glowered in my face and he gi'ed me some jaw
Sayin' "When cam' ye over, bold Erin-go-bragh?"
—19th Century Scottish song, 

Happy St. Patrick's Everyone!! 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Once upon a time....

.......there were these lonely bracelets. One day a wonderful ( and pretty) jewelry designer came along and made them matching earrings so they wouldn't be lonely anymore... the bracelets rejoiced  and told the jewelry designer that who ever buys them would get free shipping.  The jewelry designer ( who was oh so pretty) packed up her things, hugged the newly matched jewelry and went on her way to make other pieces of jewelry happy ! :)
The End

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I entered Bead Star 2011

I found Bead Star just by looking for "Bead contests" on Google.( thanks Thredz )  I have heard of them but never thought about entering.  

Here is my entry for Stones:

Its unlikely I will win.... but at least I entered :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Gemstone Bracelets

 I have a bead container of gemstones friends have given me... I made a bunch of GBM Awareness bracelets using most of the gemstones.... 

here are a few non awareness bracelets 
These stones are Mookaite- they are from Mooka Creek in Australia.
The name mookaite comes from the Aboriginese word, mooka, meaning "running waters." What we don't know is whether the Aboriginese named the Mooka Creek first or the stone found in its running waters. 
Mookaite is a rare multi-colored gemstone, occurring naturally in the Mooka Creek. More than 600 miles north of the city of Perth and 100 miles inland from Carnarvon, a town on the coast of Western Australia, lay mookaite deposits under the creek. 


These gemstones are Labradorite. 

Labradorite is a power stone.
It is believed that Labradorite gem stone brings joy and kindness and provide variety and good fortune. It energizes and provide a balanced mental plane and also heals infections. It is said to raise level of consciousness and act as a barrier against all negative energies. 

Labradorite earrings on sterling silver ear hooks.

Notice the specs of blue. These stones are gorgeous in the sunlight. 
Labradorite, carries unique characteristic, turns sea blue, gold and green in bright light from grey or dark green color if viewed in dim light.

Labradorite was first found in 1770 on the Labrador Peninsula in Canada. It is also found in Norway, and the former USSR. There is a blue semi-transparent variety called spectrolite that is only found in Finland.

Purple Bar Bracelet

This was originally going to be a necklace, but the other beads I was going to use looked , blah. :) So I made in to a beautiful bracelet. 
I am not sure what the bar is made out of. 

See the fossil leaf inside? 

The beads are glass. And I used a sterling silver lobster claw clasp.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Spring time piece

This is a new piece for spring time.... Made with glass beads and a resin focal.  It measures a total of 18 inches. it hangs ( with focal) 11 inches . 

BTW.. This piece has been sold!:) 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yay me!!

I am now a Rings and Things Blog Partner!!! :) I hope they choose me to receive a goodie bag :)