Thursday, March 17, 2011

Erin Go Bragh

Yup the day I dread is here again. This is the only day that I hate my name. In school the boys would say "Erin go bra- less"  " I'd say " enjoy detention "  

I really suck at being Irish. I HATE corn beef and cabbage. My mom (RIP) would make it every year ( she wasn't Irish - but my brother and I are) ... I'd skip dinner and run to the bathroom ready to hurl. 
and I don't like beer so no green beer for me today... oh darn.. :) 

The meaning of Erin Go Bragh is a sweet one. "Ireland Forever" 
It was an Irish blessing used to express allegiance to Ireland. It could also translate as "Ireland 'till doomsday," "Ireland until eternity," "Ireland until the end (of time)" or "Ireland until the Day of Judgment." 

Éire and Éirinn are both used as names for Ireland. 

 In the 2009 film The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day Norman Reedus's character Murphy MacManus phrases it as: "It's Irish for, 'you're fucked.'" 
A Scottish song from the 19th century entitled "Erin-go-Bragh" tells the story of a Highland Scot who is mistaken for an Irishman. The first two verses are:

My name's Duncan Campbell from the shire of Argyll
I've travelled this country for many's the mile
I've travelled through Ireland, Scotland and a'
And the name I go under's bold Erin-go-bragh
One night in Auld Reekie as I walked down the street
A saucy big polis I chanced for to meet
He glowered in my face and he gi'ed me some jaw
Sayin' "When cam' ye over, bold Erin-go-bragh?"
—19th Century Scottish song, 

Happy St. Patrick's Everyone!! 

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