Saturday, March 26, 2011

I found some fun workouts

I think I love again.
I was looking through to find new shows to watch and I found these fun workouts...
you don't need an account to watch.. but I suggest you sign up ( free hulu not the hulu plus) so you can save the workouts. 

This one looks fun. Its a Bollywood Dance Workout. its sexy and upbeat and the music is nice to listen to. it  keeps your energy up. 
It looks so easy.
Bollywood Dance Workout  

The next one is Hip Hop Cardio.... again... it looks easy... if I think i can do it.. you can to. 
just have fun. nothing too major.
Hip Hop Cardio  

And the last one is  Brazilian Body 

They all expire on April 30th so get  dancing :)

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