Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fund - Raiser

Let the fundraising begin - if you have forgotten, I am trying to raise money so I can be Mayor of the Sampler Village sampler box . I only need to raise $25. I plan on making pendents. which I have the materials for. I have made an album with everything that is up for sale for this fundraiser. just comment "SOLD" with your paypal address under the item you want :) shipping for all items is $1.00....thank you in advance♥

click HERE to see the album 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jewelry Swap

Its time for a jewelry swap!! 
Here is how it will work. 
~Sign up below.
~You must have 2 or 3 of the following.. facebook fan page, twitter, a blog( blogger, wordpress, etc), a Hive account, indipublic, or another social website you can brag on:)
~In 3 weeks I will match people up, you then send them a piece of your jewelry so they can blog, brag, etc.  Also send a few business cards with the item - for potential customers :)
who wouldnt love free publicity! 
~Please let me know if you are from the U.S or another country... everyone pays their own shipping. 
~When you get your new piece of jewelry, wear it for a few days then write your review.  
Lastly, please do not sell the piece as your own or at all unless you give a percentage to the creator of the piece. email the artist and work that out. ( like a consignment shop) 

Lets have fun with this--- :) 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Peruvian String Art Earrings

I'm not a fan of pink but I LOVE these Peruvian String Art earrings. 
They measure 3 inches. 
They are made with sterling silver wire and ear hooks with pink glass beads. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Tree of Life pendent and.....

a custom Peruvian String Art Pendent. 

I had a little give away last night on my FB fanpage . The winner, Michele Malone won a custom string art pendent. She asked for yellow and green thread. So that is what she got. 
Michele's review: 
I received the pendant I won from you today, & I love it! Not only will it be beautiful around my neck, but I think it would look really nice in my hair as well. Thank you again. :D "

( no idea how is going to wear it in her hair.. I asked her to send me a picture :)

And I made ANOTHER Tree of Life pendent.... but this time I used clear glass chips. 

For sale on my Artfire shop 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tree of Life - Dalmatian Jasper

These are starting to be a habit :) this is only my second one and its my favorite thing to make!

This Tree of Life is made with sterling silver wire and dalmatian jasper stones. 
It measures 1.5 inches.

Dalmatian Jasper - Tree of Life 

New Pendents

Not bad for my first try! :)

Tree of Life - Amethyst

Each pendent is 2.5 inches. Made with sterling silver wire.
For custom orders- you choose gemstone/bead. $22 each

Amethyst - $15

Peruvian String Art Pendent
Each ready made pendent is $15. They are 3.5 inches each. made with sterling silver wire and embroidery thread. 
Custom pendents are $17.

Pink and White String Art pendent 

For custom pendents... email me HERE

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Simply Bracelets ( and a NEW piece)

I am having too much fun making collages. Photovisi has cute collages. I highly recommend them. Smilebox is just as addicting and fun. but you cant same the collage to your computer. like you have seen, I have  posted a newsletter that i made on Smilebox. you can post to Facebook, but only to your personal account. you can post to blogspot, WordPress  I believe,  you can even email it... and you can post it on Twitter.
Here is my latest Photovisi collage.

Below is a new piece I made on Sunday afternoon . 
Butterfly pendent is from Blue Moon Beads. The chain and semi precious stone are from Cousin .

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

Wow. today I am 31. Holy There were so many things i wanted to do before I turned 31... have a kid or 2 was high on the list. lol
Today brings good and bad feelings.... good that I am still alive :) and bad is that my mom is not here to celebrate with me. this is my first birthday with out her. I have been fighting back tears all day. I know she would not want me to be crying on my birthday. I miss the weird birthday card she would send. 
I planned no party this year. I am not big on parties.  Last year I went to dinner at the Olive Garden  with my boyfriend and a few of my friends. This year isnt that big that i need to celebrate it. My boyfriend took me out to dinner a few nights ago and today we are getting my birthday present..CRAFT SUPPLIES!!! I am so excited!!! I have a list of like 15 things. NEW PROJECTS!!! YAY!! :) Sad thing is, I have a limit. cant spend over $  ( damn rent) .  I heard AC Moore is having a Spring Sale so I will be definitely going there :)

here are some pics of my early birthdays... 

me and my mom :)

my birthday cake that my mom made.

me ( notice the cake hands :)

" Please stop singing." Here i am trying to hide from the Happy Birthday  

I believe this was my 7 or 8th bday party. got to make my own pizza at a restaurant my mom worked at. 

And thats it for the pics. for my 14th I had a roller skating party. i love it , until I had to ride in the over sized skate while a guy in a bear suit pushed me I was to old to get that but they made me do it anyway.... that picture is in my moms big box of pictures.. currently still in Florida. 
My 16th was a blast. As I said i am not big on parties. so I only invited a few of my girls. The memory that sticks out the most is the cake 
18th was dinner at my brother's and his wifes house. I made my sister in law eat a piece of she was so skinny. 
21st was not as memorable. I think i just hung out with the guy i was dating at the time.  and 25th was dinner with my fiancĂ©e  . ( yeah i WAS married for a short time).,

My next big birthday is only 19 years 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Want to be in the Blog Guide Book

I recently  read a blog on TheHive about two friends who have started a blog guidebook. I must say I had to be in it. I love being in things.  :) Getting my name out there means alot to me. Hoping to make lots of new friends in the process too :)