Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jewelry Swap

Its time for a jewelry swap!! 
Here is how it will work. 
~Sign up below.
~You must have 2 or 3 of the following.. facebook fan page, twitter, a blog( blogger, wordpress, etc), a Hive account, indipublic, or another social website you can brag on:)
~In 3 weeks I will match people up, you then send them a piece of your jewelry so they can blog, brag, etc.  Also send a few business cards with the item - for potential customers :)
who wouldnt love free publicity! 
~Please let me know if you are from the U.S or another country... everyone pays their own shipping. 
~When you get your new piece of jewelry, wear it for a few days then write your review.  
Lastly, please do not sell the piece as your own or at all unless you give a percentage to the creator of the piece. email the artist and work that out. ( like a consignment shop) 

Lets have fun with this--- :) 

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