Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

Wow. today I am 31. Holy There were so many things i wanted to do before I turned 31... have a kid or 2 was high on the list. lol
Today brings good and bad feelings.... good that I am still alive :) and bad is that my mom is not here to celebrate with me. this is my first birthday with out her. I have been fighting back tears all day. I know she would not want me to be crying on my birthday. I miss the weird birthday card she would send. 
I planned no party this year. I am not big on parties.  Last year I went to dinner at the Olive Garden  with my boyfriend and a few of my friends. This year isnt that big that i need to celebrate it. My boyfriend took me out to dinner a few nights ago and today we are getting my birthday present..CRAFT SUPPLIES!!! I am so excited!!! I have a list of like 15 things. NEW PROJECTS!!! YAY!! :) Sad thing is, I have a limit. cant spend over $  ( damn rent) .  I heard AC Moore is having a Spring Sale so I will be definitely going there :)

here are some pics of my early birthdays... 

me and my mom :)

my birthday cake that my mom made.

me ( notice the cake hands :)

" Please stop singing." Here i am trying to hide from the Happy Birthday  

I believe this was my 7 or 8th bday party. got to make my own pizza at a restaurant my mom worked at. 

And thats it for the pics. for my 14th I had a roller skating party. i love it , until I had to ride in the over sized skate while a guy in a bear suit pushed me I was to old to get that but they made me do it anyway.... that picture is in my moms big box of pictures.. currently still in Florida. 
My 16th was a blast. As I said i am not big on parties. so I only invited a few of my girls. The memory that sticks out the most is the cake 
18th was dinner at my brother's and his wifes house. I made my sister in law eat a piece of she was so skinny. 
21st was not as memorable. I think i just hung out with the guy i was dating at the time.  and 25th was dinner with my fiancĂ©e  . ( yeah i WAS married for a short time).,

My next big birthday is only 19 years 

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