Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gemstone Series --- Blue Opal ( Peruvian )

           Peruvian blue opal is relatively rare and is only found in the Andes mountains near San Patricio, Peru. It is a very translucent stone with color similar to the Caribbean Sea. Depending on how the stone is cut it can be clear, scenic (showing varying degrees of color) or dendritic which has black fern like inclusions.
This is the national stone of Peru and, unfortunately, in recent years dyed stones have been mass marketed by unreputable dealers as Peruvian Blue Opal. If the blue color is uneven you are probably looking at a dyed stone. Dyed stones are quite common and sell very cheaply at gem shows and on internet auctions.

Peruvian opal ranges between 5.5 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness.
Luster: Vitreous to pearly.
Transparency: Transparent to translucent.
Fracture: Conchoidal.
Streak: White.

Folklore & Legend: 

The Peruvian blue opal has soft relaxing energies. Legend says that it takes the tension out of communication and helps ideas flow freely. It softens the impact of stress from the outside world and can help one to release the trauma of old wounds. It facilitates facing the future with a tranquil healing nature.
This stone is reported to be good for quieting the mind and as an aid to sleep.

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