Friday, September 9, 2011

Busy woman I am...

For a few months now I have been loosing interest in making jewelry. With no money coming in for it, its not easy to make new pieces. Ive been thinking about redesigning a bunch of pieces. But nothing is really coming to mind.....
I have another lil business, called Erin's Sweet Tooth and I want to dedicate alot of time to that. When I started making chocolates in 2007 I was pretty good at it. Make a bunch of sales. Then I moved to Florida and focused on my 3rd business ( Handmade Soaps or Bust). But that got expensive, buying new molds and soap base. 
Candy and chocolates have been the least pricey and the most fun. So Erin's Sweet Tooth is back!   :)
I was going to restart the biz near Christmas, but I couldn't wait :) All week I have had fans of my shop on Facebook sign up for the Candy Giveaway on my blog . The winner gets a bag of gum drops. mmmmmm :) 
I'm also working on a weebly website. I have to make a bunch of items to add tho. I made Rock Candy tonight... gotta wait a week or two for it to be completely done :(  
I bought a few silicone molds from 2 shops on etsy. But they are not enough. I dont really like the ones in the stores  and cant find anything worth buy on etsy. ( not that I can afford )  Does any one have any they are not using? plastic or silicone... I can trade jewelry from my jewelry fb page . anything would be appreciated. 
that is all for now... I wanna check on the rock candy :)

p.s. click here if you want to enter the candy giveaway.. only 2 days left :) 

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