Thursday, May 26, 2011

Not so Easy Fan Freebie ( 550 fan giveaway)

First off I just want tot thank all my fans.. active and not active ( we have fun , you should join in).  I appreciate all of you for sticking around. I am trying to be consistent with making and posting new items and giveaways. Someday I will add ALLLL the jewelry I have made to my Artfire shop. As soon as the items in my Etsy shop expire I will be making that shop for custom orders and the Tree of Life pendents and the Peruvian String Art jewelry.

Now on to the fun! :)
its going to be a lil treasure hunt ..  hehe
( all answers can be found on my blog or stated other wise )

Ends Tuesday 5/31

email me at
please DO NOT comment on this blog or on my fan page.

Question 1--- its an easy one--- How many places can you find me ? ( hint- look on the right side of my blog)

Question 2--- In the blog Once upon a time ,  what did I match up?

Question 3 ---Who were the GBM Awareness Bracelets made to help?
* (Bonus question... what is GBM?)

Question 4--- how many pictures are in my slide show?

Question 5--- In the blog  Gemstone Bracelets ,  what color are the Mookaite gemstones?
* ( bonus question... where are they from? )

Question 6--- name one of my favorite pages ( the list is on the left side bar)

Question 7--- What 3 business do I have?
A. Jewelry, soaps, crochet
B. Candles, jewelry, scrapbooking
C. Jewelry,candy, soaps

Question 8---  newest item from Erin's Jewelry Creations...
a. Tree of Life Pendents
b. Barefoot sandals
c. String art earrings

Question 9--- What month am I mayor of the Sampler Village?

Questions 10 --- P is for  ?

Bonus Qs

1. Where do I live ? ( state , city or both)
2. what is my favorite color?
3. how long have I been making jewelry?

Is there any suggestions on what I should make? I love fan participation =)

The person with the most right will get 2 items of choice =)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Because I am Mayor

It's finally June next month.....
Finally the month I have been waiting for since last year when I commented on the Sampler Village's status.
In the blog I wrote announcing the exciting news last September, I said I was going to make soaps, lip balms and  jewelry. Well I have been thinking.... Since I love making the String Art pendents and earrings I was planning on making medium size pendents and offering half off a matching pair of earrings .
The down side is that I have a little over a week and a half to send in 125 samples, and I haven't even bought the wire  I know I will be able to make all the samples by the deadline.

The boxes go on sale on June 20th.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dear Vistaprint....

How I love thee...
you have wonderful products that will make my lil jewelry business awesome....I love the business cards you sent.... can't wait til I can afford 500 instead of 250 and they will look so beautiful with the matching back=)

But my list is sooooo long =)
I want 
a T-shirt ( for when I go to craft fairs )
Post cards- for announcing sales 
Envelope seals
Return address labels 
Bumper stickers
Photo album ( for all the pictures of sold items and others items -for craft fairs )
Loyalty cards
Product labels. 

With Love,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to my mom

Even though she is in heaven I just wanted to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. 
This is the first mother;s day with out her and today is a very rough day for me. Ive been remembering her and a mothers day that I remember. Its was 1994 and we went to see Alan Jackson( and Faith Hill) in concert :)  He was her favorite country singer . We both had a blast. 

Thanks for being my mom!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

So I caved...

and finally made a pair of barefoot sandals.

Took me all morning to come up with a design I like.And I had to search high and low for pink beads. They are a little big for me. could fit a size 7 with an ankle size of 10 inches.

What do you think?

I love custom orders!!

Have I ever told you that? :)

A fan of mine asked me to make her a pair of  Peruvian String Art earrings. Black thread with black beads.
she loves them.... what do you think........  ---- my new fan friend profile :)