Friday, February 11, 2011

Feature Me Friday - The Soap Gallery

Todays Featured Artist is Louise Vargas/ The Soap Gallery 

About the Artist 
We are a very small family business started originally in 2009 in Seattle. We moved location and are now re-establishing ourselves in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I refer to myself as an artisan soap maker and have been making soap for over 13 years now. My daughter has taken interest in the business and she and I both make our other delicious skincare products such as scrubs, balms, serums and haircare.

Lilac Calendula soap with lavender and oatmeal

Felted Soap- so cool :)

Q & A's

1. Do you make hot or cold processed soaps?
We make soap using both the hot processed and the cold processed method. Each have their distinct look that defines our product line.

2. How did you get in to soap making?
 first started soap making after decades of searching for a solution to my chapped dry sensitive skin. A bookstore had in its window a book about natural soap making. My first thought was "I can MAKE soap???" - bought the book and discovered the lotion like feel only handmade soap can give you. I was hooked!

3. How long have you been making soaps?
As I've mentioned, soap making has been an addiction for over 13 years now. 

4. What else do you make , if anything?

We are also known for our other skin care products now. Liquid soap, whipped cream soap, facial serums, balms, solid bubble bath, shampoo and conditioners, whipped butters, fizzies, melts, salt scrubs. A more recent sensitivity to commercial laundry detergent led me down a road into making our own laundry soap. This has become a hot item for us.

5. What are your plans for the future?

Our plans for the future involve increasing our manufacturing capacity, and we are looking for wholesale venues who are interested in carrying our product. 

Words of wisdom
  " Making soap is powerful magic. Transformation of matter is a profound occupation." 
(Alicia Grosso)

Where to find The Soap Gallery-

Thank you so much Louise :)

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