Friday, February 18, 2011

The Craft Oath

I pledge I will craft with love, always

I pledge I will only send something out that I would like to recive myself

I pledge When I craft for someone specific in mind, I will take into account their likes and dislikes, and I will always do my best

I pledge I shall craft to live and shall live to craft. Without crafting, I am nothing

I pledge I will love what I do, and share what I love.

I pledge to not steal the work of others... rather, to always create originally!

I pledge to embrace the mistakes and never let my craft be a burden

I pledge I will continue to push my creativity in new directions and to try new things

I pledge I will never begrudge myself my stash; it's my retirement account.

I pledge I will not make a big deal about something not being "perfect".  It may be loved by someone else!

I pledge I shall try to not be so self-critical and just enjoy what I can do to the best of my ability, but will never stop trying to improve my crafting abilities either.

I pledge I will create with my own uniqueness and passion.

Don't fret about the result, just enjoy the process.

There's no such thing as a mistake, it's a design opportunity.

Art heals, crafting is therapy...all creative expression is worthwhile and intrinsic to our health and self-esteem.


Thank you for all who contributed to this oath. To take the oath, just comment below. :) 

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