Friday, January 7, 2011

Feature Me Friday- Freckled Foto

Freckled Foto , located in Salt Lake City ,Utah. Founded by Tina Nistler. I met Tina about 4 years ago on Myspace when she was making beautiful ribbon jewelry. 
above is a set she made for me <3

She is her husband's band, L.H.AW ( life has a way) personal photographer. 

She has taken wonderful pictures of weddings and animals.. below are just a few of Freckled Foto's work.

5 questions with the Artist

1. What / who inspires you?
      I come from a family of artists, my dad that can take a picture of scenery or anything and oil paint it onto canvas, my mom is so crafty and among other things make the best crocheted washcloths, my older brother that builds and paints the most awesome model cars, airplanes that I have ever seen, my sister with her beautiful handwriting, my 2nd older brother draws and also builds/paints models and plays guitar, my little brother that is also a photographer and a pencil artist. And last but not least my husband who is the best Bass player I know encourages me to keep taking pictures.
So I am inspired all the way around, and when I look outside I see plenty of beauty and then last but not least the ones I have photographed and to see their faces with the finished product is priceless.

2. what made you get in to photography?
     I wanted to have another hobby besides making jewelry and also I needed a nice camera to take photos of my jewelry.

3. what is your favorite thing to photograph? people, animals, buildings, etc.
     I really don't have a favorite, I enjoy photographing everything that I have done so far, my next thing is newborns here soon.
4. is there something you would like to photograph? the view from the Empire State Building for example.
      The ocean, a view from a hot air balloon, wild animals, a sporting event, there are so many things.

5. what type of camera / lens do you use?
       Sony Alpha 230 w/ 55mm & 85mm lens' Saving money to get a wide angle lens hopefully soon.
words of wisdom / quote from the artist/ famous last words.
 "Beauty is not in the picture you just took but in the eyes of the ones looking at that picture"

Where to find  Freckled Foto

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