Friday, January 14, 2011

Feature Me Friday- Crafty's Creations

When Cori isnt having auctions to help a friend from high school so he can get his meds after surgery, or running around with her 2 little boys, Zach 6 and Justing 4 months, or riding the bus ,taking pictures of drunk people on the way to work, she is crocheting up a storm!

5 Questions with the artist

1. What / who inspires you?

So many things & people inspire me!    If I had to choose ONE, it would have to be Kelly Donovan of Knitting and Things . She motivates me to branch out & truly FLY with my ideas!

2.what made you get in to crocheting?
 I was in a craft store one day & saw a kit to teach kids how to crochet. Thought, "If it can teach kids, it surely could teach me!" That year, my ex boyfriend's family was doing "handmade gifts", so I crocheted his cousin a huge blanket with chenille yarn. The hardest project EVAH! ;)

3.what are your favorite things to crochet?
 I love crocheting small things. I have a short attention span. It's a side effect of being Bipolar. LOL But, my favorite item that I make is my Bling Rings! They're VERY popular!

4.what else do you make?
I make jewelry (crochet & beaded), quilling, candles, soap, bath salts... Anything really that I see & say, "I could make that, I'm not buying it" :)

5. plans for the future?
After my husband gets out of school he said I can stay home & work on my "crafty career". I'd love to own a small boutique & sit all day & make stuff, talk to people about making stuff & selling my creations!

words of wisdom
Stop defining yourself. Don't accept any [self limiting] thought that begins "I am this or that." You are not this or that. You are beyond definition, and therefore any attempt to say "I am X" is wrong. You are in passage. You are in the process of redefining yourself every day. Aid that process, and you cannot help but leap forward on the path.

Where to find Crafty Creations