Wednesday, September 15, 2010

YAY for me!!!

      I am the mayor of the June 2011 Sampler Village Box. In other words I am the mayor of Pixielicious! My crafty friend Cori Cambanes came up with the name. Its cute, isn't it? 
     Traci Porczynski asked who wanted to be the mayor of the June 2011 box on the Sampler Village 's Facebook page, and I commented ME!! lol

As mayor I don't have to do much. Just "donate" $25 and send in 100-125 handmade samples. My samples have to be pixie/fairy themed.  My jewelry line will hopefully get a lot of exposer. I will be sending in soaps and lip balm as well as jewelry. 

here are the perks of being  mayor......

* My shop posted on the front page of the Sampler Village website for the month they are featured as mayor.
* I will be Featured on "MEET OUR MAYOR" page on the website, this page features an interview, pictures, links, etc.
* Special message in their newsletter stating i am  mayor for that month, with link to my shop.
* Top ad spot on the blog, with link to my mayor page.
* The predetermined amount of samples insures they will be in EVERY Simply and Lavish box.
* Note included in the Sampler Village sample boxes for that month stating I am  Mayor with all my links and info.
* Posts on FB and Twitter throughout the month I am  Mayor.

Oh I can't wait. if you want to sign up  to be in the PIXIELICIOUS box you are gonna have to wait a few months to do so.  Traci only allows sign up 6 months in advance. BUT you can be a fan on Facebook,  click here . 
website: Sampler Village 


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