Thursday, September 23, 2010

O is for ...


to those who don't know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Some people forget , unless you know someone who has/had Breast Cancer. This month is too over run by Halloween.  

here is a link about Breast Cancer from 
towards the bottom it shows you how to do a self breast exam .. click  HERE 

Recently I contributed items to the Out of the Box Sampler  Think Pink sampler boxes.

These are one of a kind and I hope the people who received them ,enjoyed them. 

To hopefully raise more awareness for this horrible disease , I giving away during the first week of October on my fanpage . 

Please get yourself checked. 

Save the Ta Tas :)

Don't slack, check your rack

Save second base. 

check your boo bees ! :)

(pardon my French) FUCK Cancer! 

Save the A, B, Cs and DDs ................

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