Friday, September 17, 2010

J is for...


First I am leaving all my links ( as asked by Marlo Letterle).
just click on the site name :)

Facebook Fan Page  

Artfire shop 
Etsy shop 

I have a jewelry making friend who is awesome. She's getting into photography now. Tina makes ribbon jewelry. Something I haven't seen b4 we became friends 2 years ago.  I am honored to have a few of her pieces. 
here is her facebook link .

Here is one of the sets she made me .

Freckled PaiZley    on Myspace -- These are her sold items tho.

I met Jody on Facebook earlier this year. she is also in photography but makes wonderful pendents from her pictures. 
here is here etsy link- Jahollier Photography  

here are some of my other jewelry people faves

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