Wednesday, October 21, 2009

wow my first blog

its almost 3am , so i am not gonna babble on about nothin cuz i just might.  well this IS called Erin's Jewelry Blog so i should tell who ever reads this about me.... well im Erin..( nice to meet you) i am 29. i make jewelry and i love it.  im trying to get noticed so i can sell my jewelry. its not crap. i work hard on it . ive been making jewelry since 2006. stopped doing it about a yr ago. just got back into it this past summer. now i am a jewelry making machine! i  try to make new items every night and  post them on my site... just CLICK HERE to go to Erin's jewelry Creations on Etsy.    ... check it out . =) ok thats it for now. this girl needs sleep.

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