Thursday, April 24, 2014

BSBP: one week away

OMG . I did it again.... I have waited til the last minute to make my piece for the BSBP :(  I have no excuse , besides work. Crocheting hats takes alot of my time. when I get an order I try to get it out with in 3 days. And of course there are other projects I want to make.
I think too much when it comes to these bead soup reveals. everyone has their own style. like i said before, I am pretty simple.
Plan for today: After catching up on Veep, I WILL get down to business. Its a beautiful day so I can sit out on the porch and bead til I cry :)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Bead Soup Blog Party 8: My partner

At the beginning of the year I said I was done with making jewelry. I planned on closing my facebook page down, fix this blog up so its can be used as useful info and sell off all the pieces of jewelry I have made at really low prices.  Then I remembered about the bead soup blog party. This is my 4th time participating,  I knew I couldnt miss out. I love getting paired up and getting beads that I wouldn't usually buy, then stressing out about what the heck I am going to make with the beads. :)  Each time I leave creating any thing to the last minute. This time I have something drawn out.... I hope I can pull it all together. I'm a bit on the simple side when I create. This time I may go big :)
Enough about that.... On to my partner.... she hails all the way from Augusta Kansas,.. give it up for Eva Wills!!!!!!!! :)
She sent me a gorgeous soup ! ( I feel bad about what I sent her. Though she said she liked it , I feel that I didn't send her enough )

Here is what she sent me.....

ooo pretty..

I love these colors together. Thank you Eva. 

Come on back May 3rd to see the reveal! 
Be there or be a triangle?  no, circle? ........... I got it... SQUARE...lmao!! :)