Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Can I have your attention please

I just want to mention a few things....

As I announced last week, i am having a beads swap.... i have a few people signed up on my Facebook fan page, click here.  and click on the notes tab,.  the first swap over the summer went really well ... :)  please sign up.

second, I am still looking for kids crafters to contribute to the Kids only sample box i am putting together. I want to put together a box of crafts, projects , etc just for kids. there are so many boxes out there for adults. this box is ONLY for kids, infant to preteen.
become a fan.... PattyCake KIDS Sampler
follow the blog here .

and lastly, I have added new items to my Artfire shop.... have a look,  Erin's Jewelry Creations

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Hive's Creative Challenge--- Mr. Turkey

I made this for the Kids Sampler i am putting together.
I'd like you to meet Mr. 3-D foam Turkey!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bead Swap Time!!

One womans trash is another womans treasure :)

Like last time, if you want to participate, just comment below. next friday will be the deadline . the order i draw the names is the order of the swapping. your bead swap buddy is the peson under your name, u send your beads to them.

Do u think there should be a bead minimum or maximum , to be fair? i just want everyone to get about the same amount so no one feels bad.

To stay up to date with all things Bead Swap related... become a fan at 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Halloween Word Scramble

You have 24 hours to finish this word scramble. The person with the most correct unscrambled words will win a Halloween Necklace made by me and they will be entered in to the contest I will be having on Black Friday next month.

hosgts __________________
oborm __________________
twich ___________________
ektnleso _________________
rotobec _________________
obo ____________________
umymm _________________
toersmn _________________
carluad _________________
pkysoo _________________
ipmnupk ________________
nobse __________________
gihtn ___________________
dohasw _________________
obngli __________________
srpiits __________________
stsomuse _______________
ognitlmho _______________
avrmipe ________________
krtci- ro- retta ___________
ccawesrro ______________
rdipes _________________
wlo ___________________
wonhaeell ______________

My spell check hates me so much right ( and spell check will not help you unless its reeeeeaaallly smart ) 
Keep in mind, all these words are Halloween related. 
email me @ with your unscrambled words. 

Good Luck ! 

Free Chocolate!!

Free Chocolate to anyone who can make at least 25 words from 


you will get 3 chocolate lollipops. ( so yummy- i add a little cherry flavoring ) 

email me your list at

ends 10/08 (Friday) 

Also, to win a Halloween Necklace go to my Facebook fan page , here to play the word scramble game. starts at 3pm eastern time on Thursday... ends Friday at 3pm eastern . you can email that list to the address above as well. 

Good Luck.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

W is for ...


After months of work, I am finally some what happy with how my first website  came its just a test website. i'm not too fond of but some of their layouts are pretty cool.  
I am also working on a site for my soaps , Handmade Soaps or BUST! and and my candy/chocolate bizz , Erin's Candy Shoppe. I just have to work on the Favors section and i will be done so I can work on the the soaps site. 
Erin's Jewelry Creations 
let me know what you think. :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

V is for

Visit me ! :)

Just incase you want to check out all of my are all the places you can visit me!

Erin's Jewelry Creations fan page 
Handmade Soaps or Bust!! fan page 
Erin's Candy Shoppe fan page 
Jewelry studio on Artfire 
Jewelry shop on Etsy 
Handmade Soaps or BUST ! on etsy 
Erin's Creations on Twitter  

website on coming soon......

Halloween Jewelry Give- A -Way

Before I give a way any jewelry I always make my ' likers ' on Facebook  play alil game. :)  last round was a lotto game. this time its gonna be Halloween related.... but I cant decide which to play.... 
I found 5 games that could be fun.... if you wouldn't mind, from the list below can u choose your favorite. 

game 1- Halloween word scramble

game 2- Halloween word twist( how many words can you make from the Halloween related word)

game 3- guessing game ( match the horror movie character with the description)

game 4- harvest rhyme game

game 5- bingo.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Hive's Creative Challenge -- The leaves are fallin' !

Made with all glass beads. 

I have to say I am very proud of this one ! :)

Hive Creative Challenge --- Autumn Glass Bracelet

I used Amber and clear glass beads with copper eye pins and copper lobster claw clasp for this bracelet. 

U is for ...


I've been thinking about raising the price of my jewelry. if people who put no effort in to their designs charge $30 for a necklace made with just beading wire and a glass bead why can't i charge $20 for a necklace that was worked on for more than 3 seconds =) but my necklaces haven't been selling for even $13 -$15 =( . so i dont know what to do...... any advice about pricing?

Erin's Jewelry Creations  --- will be adding more items this weekend. i noticed my bill is low =) lol 

T is for...


I love trades. Especially if the trade is something i can use to make jewelry with. 
I found this group called the Trade-A-Holics. I havent traded anything yet but they seem like a great group. They are an Etsy team but u can follow their blog even if u arent a member....... Trade A Holics .

"The Etsy Trade-a-holic Team’s purpose is to trade amongst it’s members and other interested shops. Thru trading, we self & cross promote, receive feedback and build our sales plus gain wanted or needed items. We also strive to maintain an organized and updated list of people willing to barter for what they want & need."